

Warm air sweeps through the larynx
Tidal breaths I inhale,
And try to not imagine myself
My eyes flood, as my heart drains

Bronchi is a division of trachea
at the 5th Thoracic cavity
Two lungs make a home inside one body
In a couple, they move
they exhale their feelings
As gases exchange,
everything works out perfectly

Do you wonder what happens
when lungs fill more than their capacity
When water burns your chest
The painful feeling when you realize
your life's about to end
Your arms, legs turn numb helplessly

I look at your Adam's apple,
as it moves, but your speech constricts
Are you too drowning in the words
that restrict your breathe completely
I watch as your eyes harden
I watch as you whisper,
"I'm not in love with you anymore"

An atompheric pressure builds above my head
My lungs empty, as if I'm being catapulted to the surface,
only to be pushed deeper inside
only to drown in a bottomless void where once happiness used to be...

© nervous_system