

Write a poem about truth and if the truth that has been told to us can be trusted.

Always bitter they say,
Even when it holds accurate answers to all.
Many a time the opposite is opted for,
Be it To cover some things,
To get away with something one has done,
Or To avoid an unpleasant occurrence, could be punishment at times.
Sometimes, in Truth exists pain,
However, Truth always prevails in the end,
Whether man likes it or not.
We hear a lot, some of which we perceive as truth and strongly believe they are true,
We trust and hold onto them.
And those which bear deceit,
We try our best to filter out.
A honest truth,
Is that one can never get away with a bad thing one does,
Even when one does the opposite of telling the truth,
When one feeds every other person with lies,
Truth will always prevail regardless.
Just like Justice.
Even when it seems like it's meaningless as you go further in it,
Even when you feel it has the potential to cause some damage to a relationship or something else,
Truth should still be trusted...always!
Because in truth lies Reality!

© roymelquotes