

I'm going for it

At the edge of the furthest mountain,
Between the valley and the lazy river,
Beyond the edge of the scented meadow
where our hope and dreams linger
where should i begin my journey?,
when the sunlight blocks my vision away,
should i follow this go get it inside me or let it decay?
should i go north, south, east, west?,
maybe I'll just stop and play
sigh................., i need to take a breathe,
there's something inside me telling I'm, just, not, ready yet,
saying I'm going to fail every test,
no yes yes no no yes no yes!!, no, sigh........, what is wrong..., with me
oh ok today!!,
I've made up my mind!
I'm beautiful, talented, educated, faithful, hopeful, special, unique, me!!
and i can
and i will
achieve my goals
I'm going at the edge of the furthest mountain,
Between the valley and the lazy river,
Beyond the edge of the scented meadow
get whats mine
where my hope and dreams linger!
© daviatalented💯💯