

A Different Self

In the mirror’s polished glass,
I saw a face, a time once pass,
Not just mine, but something more,
A self I'd never seen before.

Eyes that held a deeper light,
Wisdom gleaned from sleepless nights,
Lips that whispered truths untold,
Stories of the brave and bold.

"Who are you?" I dared to ask,
"A future self behind the mask?"
A smile, a nod, a gentle grin,
A journey’s end where I begin.

"I am you," the mirror said,
"Paths you’ve walked and tears you’ve shed,
Every choice and every fear,
Crafted me to now appear."

"But why this face?" I questioned still,
"Why this heart, this strength of will?"
"Growth," it answered, soft and sure,
"Pain embraced, to find the cure."

"I’m the dreams you thought had flown,
Courage found when you’re alone,
The failures faced and lessons learned,
Every scar a badge you’ve earned."

"Tell me more," I begged in thought,
"All the battles I have fought."
"Each has shaped the soul you see,
Refined through life’s complexity."

"So when I falter, when I break,
Know it’s for the future’s sake,
For in the glass, a glimpse you’ll find,
A stronger heart, a clearer mind."

With that, the mirror’s light did fade,
Leaving me with truths displayed,
A different self, yet still the same,
A shadow of my inner flame.

In the silence, I stood tall,
Understanding through it all,
The reflection in the glass,
Was just a glimpse of the future, reflected in the past!!


© Nicole 🍒 JoMoRo