

The paradox of love
the hush of dawn, where light first breathes,
A story begins beneath the trembling leaves.
Whispers of love, both tender and bold,
A tale of beginnings yet to unfold.

In the cradle of morning, hope is reborn,
From the night's end, a new day is sworn.
Hearts once shattered find strength to mend, In the arms of redemption, love's wounds tend.

Hybrid love, a fusion of souls,
Boundless and free, breaking old molds.
Between the realms of what’s known and unseen, a dance of spirits where past and future convene.

In the fabric of life, man's essence weaves,
Through trials and triumphs, in what he believes. From the ashes of endings, new starts bloom, a testament to resilience in love's grand room.

Here lies the paradox, the circle complete,
Beginnings in endings, where lovers meet.
Redemption’s embrace, a sacred blend,
In hybrid love, we transcend, transcend.
and the new world begins...........

© @David_vs_a_word