

It was a winter-cold day but in the summer season...
Found your corpse, ice-cold, laying in a pool of blood with a sharp razor in your hand....
I went from cold-and-quivering to having sweat and tears trickling down my face...
My psyche went into devastation with swift celerity...
I pondered for seconds and couldn't make sense of what was 'fore my eyes because it had no rhyme or reason....
I mean, you were exhilarated the day before and looking forward to spending another day with me..
Though I could see a weak pulsation on your neck, I didn't have enough medical ken to save you...
"Answer me before your soul leaves your corpse, why?"

Forgive me for my time in this universe has expired.
I can no longer go on, I'm extremely tired.
I left you some notes on the nightstand,
Hopefully you'll understand.
At this very hour,
I do not have the power - to elaborate on my choices.
Set me free dear blood, let me rest in peace.
Tis' bout the time.
Please be fine.

How do you expect me to be fine?
What happened to "it gets better with time"?
Who's gonna be my shoulder to cry on if you're leaving for the Heavens?
You always came through for me whenever I was at sixes and sevens...
Our parents left us a decade ago,
dear brother how do you expect me to thrive on my own?
I might be grown - but I'm still feeble and fragile
I don't see myself surviving this one
Might as well slit my wrist and go with you but what if I go to a different place?
I love you and I hate to say this but you're a disgrace...

It is hard for you,
that I know.
If it wasn't for all the baggage I've been carrying, I wouldn't have stooped so low.
Dwell not on the negative, this too shall pass.
You'll survive.
Forget not your crown.
That you own.
Hopefully my elaboration on that piece of paper will soothe your shattered soul.
It wasn't meant to end this way,
I didn't mean to halve your whole.
Unlike me, you have a better story to tell.
Follow me not in this darkness.
There's a lot of light in your life.
I've noticed that since you were five.
You've always made our parents proud.
To that, there's no doubt.
There's no looking up to me for there's nothing to look up to.
Actually, that's not exactly what this is about.

It started years ago before you were even born.
If time was on my side, I'd tell you all about it from scratch.
I'm afraid I have to let some other things that were not mentioned on the note slide.
Oh no, these pills are starting to kick in and the razor has indeed cut deep.
The pain....
Father, I ask you for my soul to keep.
Goodbye dear sis.

I wish it was easy to fathom....
Thing is suicide is not our family custom...
Guess I just have to come to terms with it and let you go...
Please don't fade from my memory box,I wanna hold on to our memories and never let them go..
I wish I could give you the kiss of life and bring you back to life but that would be torture...
I'd rather have you at peace...
I'll close your eyes, wash your corpse and give you a goodbye kiss...
You can take your last breathe now, I've squandered much if your time
Pass my love to our parents
I just hope your soul won't go up in flames

Dear blood, Rest In Peace

Copyright: All rights Reserved
©️2020 @ Bethuel Tjebane
©️2020 @ Siphosenkosi Jantjies
©️2020 @ Ordained Ink's Haven