

By holding the hands of her
Gone are the days, when Opiates I celebrated
Revered as vitals, my butter & bread.
Hitting the spot of my satisfactions
Neither business I had, nor ambitions.
Sufficing with the dose-lust
Same was my last & so, the first.
Ever swaying along the hurricanes of disquietude
I had self framed my esteem lose-screwed.
Acrid contempt sips, much I'd soak up
Avocations & crafts, weren't tea of my cup.
Dialogues & relations, total were rough
Affectionate gasps were choked by apathetic cough.
Camping far off from existent insights
Foraging shelter on lanes, free of streetlights.
Sliced alone in this temporal sphere
In accordance with none, I was dear.
Counting upon dose-shots as rains of energy
I couldn't catch on them as deluge of lethargy.
Far-flung in my vision, sympathy had no spark
Ever I was confined by scenes, infused in dark.
Never knew of tickled kismet, laden of fancy
Holding in it's arms, for me, a vacancy.

Striding into my scruffy life, one sundown
She flared up cures to my each n every frown.
Devoting me with compassion, that eventide
She clasped my hands for perpetual relationship ride.
Those moments might had annexed any mystical effect
Cause I couldn't react her with contrary words to reject.
Then onwards, a verdant adventure began
That metamorphosed me into her fan.
Day by day, she glided close to my soul
Cinematics of my life made her attain the title role.
Stemming cuisine-appetite, needle-lust vapourized
She led my lividness short-sized.
My vacant hours now, do adopt recreation
Enlivening me, she emerged as my novel initiation.
My unoften durable huff chafes her; of that despite
Her fondness for me outlasts whiter than white.
Exchanging denims; cracking abundant beds
Steaminess amid us repel from catching some z's.
Rejoicing in days & revelling nights
We, duo fire up the wintry weather to sizzling heights.
Thrills me her nighties, seduces me her lipstick
Effacing my loneness, she altered me socialistic.
She fell me off from the rank of druggie
She remodelled my luck into lush from scrubby.
Vanishing turf of thorns, she grew mattresses of roses
She overbrimmed me with devotional love doses.
She's my universe & so, I'm universal
We're one nightfall away from the sainted bonds of espousal.