

It's All Up Here..
Just sittin' at the side walk,
Lookin' at the kid with the moonwalk.
The girl in the pink do the crazy dance,
I just lost the chance to be in a trance.

He just screams at the top,
Looks like his eyes are gonna flop.
Then the girl do a fast spin,
Her dress ride up to her chin.

Here comes the flush, the crazy red.
The boy stays there like he's dead.
She then screams and runs in a frantic,
like she saw a spider in the attic.

Then the music just stops.
The boy looks down at the rocks.
The girl's nowhere to be seen.
I look around, so very keen.

Right then all turn to ash.
I saw them finally in a flash.
Then there were no girl, no boy,
No music, here goes my joy.

Now I get that it's all here,
Right up in the sphere,
Where they choose to stay,
They come out if they may.

It's all up here as I think,
coming out as I wink.
Nobody saw the boy or the girl.
My head plays games and it's in a whirl..

© Starr Dawn