

"Attaraction or Love"♥
Attraction or love,
These two are the game of words,
If you want to know the difference between permanent and temporary,
These can make it clear very easily,
"Attaraction" can manifest itself in a lot of ways,
But "Love" is the only strong feeling you don't want to waste,
"Attaraction" is common without any limitation,
"Love" always need a rare connection,
If it is not real,then it is "attaraction",
If you are in "love",then you don't need any distraction,
"Attaraction" is just a fluttering feeling,
"Love"helps you to stay strong ,it helps you in healing,
Think twice and ask yourself,
Is it true or just a dream you unglove,
Are you just "Attaracted" or in "Love"..🌼