

I saw love
Yes love
She was passing by
Like she was going down the street
Then she stopped
Turned and looked
Towards my window
And waved

How much she know
I needed her
I had seen lots of her today
When I was on Dad's errands
Wen I was sitting at our corridor
As always

She wave was like
The beauty of half of a yellow sun
Like the solemn breeze
I feel when I close my eyes
At our corridor at midnight
The exact beauty
Is so complex
I can just imagine it
My words not worthy enough
To describe her

I waved back
With my two hands
She deserved more
If I had more
Then she air kissed me
I did the same
Like I actually saw it flying
Directly towards my lips
Like an angelic kiss
Beautiful angelic kiss
So was it

To cap it up
She said
"Love you"
I was quick to respond
But then I heard a reply
"Love you too"
A beautiful nightmare

It was my neighbour
Not me she was looking
All the while

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