

mystery man {some haikus}
spent last night with you
my lover from a past life
haunt my dreams once more

saw you in my sleep
ethereal time and space
damn our fractured planes

you stand opposite
slumber realm is a glass wall
shatter through to me

how do i know you?
your touch i have felt before
meet me in the next

lovers we once were
romeo and juliet
parted by lifetimes


Another Poetizer import. Most of my pieces here so far are from Poetizer, along with some new material… I really am grateful for my new home here ❤️ Thx Writco 💋

I’m a bit lazy to determine if these are, in fact, “acceptable” haikus, btw. idk. I’m not a fan of rules… just want to go with the flow… If it kinda sorta looks like a haiku, and it kinda sorta sounds like a haiku, then that’s good enough for me 🤷🏻‍♀️ Haha. Accessibility to the arts, man. #notasnob

This piece is about a man I keep meeting in my dreams. Every so often, he comes to join me while I rest… and he seems so real… like someone is physically beside me the entire night. It’s delightfully strange!

I’m almost convinced that Mystery Man is a soulmate I was supposed to meet, but missed in this life. Like, he died or something, you know. Or, I was born into my timeline too soon/too late. Or maybe I’m receiving previews of the kind of love I will one day know… Not sure.

Whoever MM is—his pure and loving energy is utter bliss, peace. Just, so nice. Have any of you ever experienced this before? Or something like it?

This piece features reincarnation themes, as I am a big believer in the concept. I wonder if I knew MM in a past life... *sigh* It’s romantic to me, these theories. Perhaps my brain is simply conjuring up what I want… giving me a feeling of having what I want… but that’s not romantic at all, puhahaha. Terrible for writing poetry!

photo credit:
NotMe // Unsplash 📷

© branypoo
