

PROJECT 2️⃣5️⃣
🔴Eliminate the Department of Education
⚪️Use public funds to pay for private religious schools
🔵Encourage Christian indoctrination through public schools
🔴Dismantle Civil Rights & DEl protections in all levels of government
⚪️Eliminate no fault divorce
🔵Total ban on abortions regardless of viability or health of the mother
🔴Ban all contraceptives
⚪️Ban African American and Gender studies in all levels of education Tax cuts for major corporations and 1% while increasing taxes on the res 🔵Eliminating unions and all worker protections
🔴Eliminating all climate protections
⚪️Encourages artic drilling since the ice caps are melting
🔵Eliminating regulations of big business and oil
🔴Raise retirement age
⚪️Eliminate social security for the elderly and disabled
🔵Promotes capital punishment and the speedy "finality" of such sel
🔴Condems single-mothers while encouraging a "tradition family" Only recognize "tradition families" by overturning Obergefell v. Ho
⚪️attempts to eliminate the LGBTQIA community
🔵Dismantling the FBI and Homeland Security
🔴Use of military to break up protests
⚪️Eliminating Head Start, and the free / discounted school lunch procan Banning books and curriculum regarding slavery
🔵Forcing immigrants to be deported or held in "camps" and ends birit 4
right citizenship
🔴Banning Muslims from entering the country Dismantles the FDA, EPA, NOAA, and more.
Pack the Supreme Court with extreme far-right judges.

This is just a fragment of Project 2025. If you haven"t please read it at heritage.org. Educate yourself shareat is at stake.
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