

In a busy and bustling corner of the city,
There is a radio that is always playing.
With the 88FM frequency playing,
Greet listeners with beautiful songs.

Every morning, when the sun rises,
Radio 88FM wakes us up from a deep sleep.
With the announcer's warm and friendly voice,
Delivering news and selected songs.

In the evening, when the sun begins to set,
Radio 88FM accompanied us on our way home.
With haunting nostalgic songs,
Fill your heart with beautiful memories.

At night, when the stars shine,
Radio 88FM accompanies us in solitude.
With romantic songs that touch the heart,
Taking us on a journey of deep emotions.

Not only songs, but also warm conversations,
Radio 88FM is a loyal friend at all times.
Entertain, inspire and strengthen,
Like a friend who is always by our side.

Radio 88FM, thank you for your music and stories,
Has filled our lives with beauty and happiness.
Keep on singing, filling the air with harmony,
Touching hearts and connecting souls.

© regineratus

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