

The sounds of an ancient drum has AWAKENED the Shaman in me🧙🏼‍♂️

The cries/prayers of the OPPRESSED has summoned the Avenger in me🤺

The FREE FLOWING Waters has healed my shattered heart and the blinding sun has ILLUMINATED my ghost world🌍

Grandfather Air has unveiled the deep MYSTERIES about this plain😮

Was afraid of the way humans might treat me, hence the Ancient Dragon sparked the ETERNAL BLUE FLAMES OF CREATION within me🌀

Unable to STABILIZE my emotional body, until GAIA kept me grounded🧘🏼‍♂️

Never believed in faeries/mystical beings until animals took me home🐾

Kíkörí Kasie, so young yet older than a dozen grandfathers🧔🧙🏼‍♂️
Kíkörí Kasie, a mortal that chose to live beyond what was thought possible...a man that succumbed to the GUIDANCE of those that seeded out communities💖🧘🏼‍♂️
Kíkörí Kasie...the Devil incarnate; the mortal that became a God👁️

Any man can do these things and more, if only he'll yield and rouse the GREATNESS that rests WITHIN him✨

An ETERNAL FOUNTAIN OF LIFE flows through us all but only the SEEKERS can access this powerful source of CREATION🌊

Heed my words and abide by them😌
Spread the word and discover that which you SEEK📣
You LEARN more by teaching others
Listen to the voice WITHIN, for that is the true voice of reasoning🧘🏼‍♂️
Block out any/every DISTRACTIONS, then watch as you rise from your shackles⛓️

🏇Ride with me and we can become far GREATER than anything we ever thought possible✊

© Kíkörí Kasie