

Infinity s Walk
When we walk to the car an try to sit
or drive
Are we being watched
well unknown to me maybe
cause something sees me
But he far away
And he is successfully
as they say
Some circles going around his day
oh a bunch. of love an happiness to
So then I start the car
but it not a ride I want to take
cause I have been on this same
rode to the unknown
of what may not be best for me
But I happen to still be on this
rode a unknown future
that a soul goes through in the mist
of storms popping up everywhere
And every day
living me to say
what is this
And why are they
But anyway
it is aka always a great day with out
the Covid 19 or any strand s of that virus
So to all mask up
And go out the circles smiling
As some do continuously
Succeeds to. infinity.

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