

Ode to the Moon's Embrace

Oh, silvery moon, enchanting night's sky,
Your glow, a beacon, as darkness draws nigh.
You waltz with the stars in a celestial trance,
Casting dreams upon Earth with a luminous glance.

Guardian of secrets, you silently gleam,
Reflecting the sun in your shimmering beam.
Mysteries whispered in your gentle glow,
Stories untold in the ebb and the flow.

You witness the tides, their eternal ballet,
Guiding lost sailors upon their moonlit way.
A silent companion, through eons untold,
Your light weaves a tale of the ancient and bold.

Oh, moon, celestial pearl, so serenely you grace,
The canvas of night with your radiant face.
A timeless companion, a friend to the sea,
In your tender embrace, souls find solace and glee.

© Christine