

I Long For Someone

I long for someone who doesn't belong
To the world I live in
Like an ad-lib of a song
Placed somewhere it previously hasn't been
But it doesn't feel wrong
It perfectly fits in

In a garden of roses
Exists a love trapped in thorns and bushes
A flower bloomed in the water
And drowned before it can grow any bigger
Tell me a tale more tragic than this
I'll be the judge of your love stories, mister and miss

For a short time we bonded and fell
What will happen to us, even time can't tell
We walked together, a minute lasted forever
But forever isn't enough, eternity ain't longer
Because if you truly love someone deeply
Even eternity multiplied by a million is unsatisfactory

Our hands intertwined, our fates separated
Our hearts connected, our lives parted
We met once and I was helpless
Bound to a love that was hopeless
Still I'm holding on, a part of me keeps dreaming
Rejecting the reality I should be accepting

His smile, though blurrred, is the warmest
His presence, hidden in the dark, shines the brightest
His words, though my mind might forget
In my heart, it'll always hit the target
His touch, gone with the wind, still I can feel
How every wound it touches will always heal

We sat in a realm of glass, yet we laughed like no tomorrow
We looked at each other in the eye, then gone the sorrow
The burden of the crown lightened
The wish for a happy future strengthened
A future with you and me in it
Passion ignited, love set alit

But a story is not a story
Without a bitter tragedy
It wasn't a war nor a greedy sister
It wasn't death nor a former lover
It is something more sinister, literally an eye-opener
I have to wake up, the dream is over

Star-crossed lovers, similar to Romeo and Juliet
You are my Montague, I am your Capulet
Our family aren't the ones severing our adoration
This time it's our different worlds killing our devotion
Maybe if we lived in the same dimension
We could be in a romantic situation, of loyalty and affection

I long for someone who doesn't belong
To the reality I live in
Like an ad-lib to a song
Still he beautifully, wonderfully fits in
So everytime I close my eyes, I think of him
I hope tonight he'll revisit my dream

© Cassidy

[I wanna cry, it's shit😐😭
I wrote this when I was thirteen so--]