

Teenage is like a flower
Mind of teenage like wind fly anywhere
Nothing much know about world
They are like mirror
They trust mirror easily
In this age,,,,
You can't control your mind
You make mistakes and learn
You have fake love and friend
You criticism by the people
You only want to fly
Nothing think about the world
Everytime your heart break
Everyone change this age
Some changes good and some bad
It's the best part of life
We enjoy more in that age
We learn by yourself
We learn to motivate others
Some time you are alone
Sometimes you feel loneliness
But you motivate by yourself
We become strong
We become unbreakable
You need love from everyone
But everyone love you fake
No one really care about you
You never found real love
We overthinking about small things
You must more care
What people around think about you
What they told about you
We feel like crazy
We know to give fake smile
You become fake
Broken hurt with fake smile
You make happy other
But you own give fake smile
We cried more and we handle yourself
You will break down sometimes
Teenage is the age
In which you learn more by mistake
You hurt most by yourself and other
It's the best part of life
Which every movement never forget

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