

The Thief from Kalente
Regardless of what you might think, I feel no shame
To survive, by the scruff of the neck, I grabbed life.
To the best of my knowledge, I caused no harm, it is only just a game
I'm soft, you'd never see me with a gun or a knife
In a condescending world where the struggling are disrespected
I needed to make a name for myself, to stand tall, to take it all.
Enough is enough, you and your sneers, deep down you've once participated
You've cut corners, looked the other way, altered figures... don't act like a know-it-all
Let he who's without sin cast the first stone
Societal pressure done made me into what I am
You're probably right, for all of my sins I need to atone
Regardless of what you might think, I feel no guilt.
In the end, when I take my final breathes, I'd say to myself.
Indeed... To survive, by the scruff of the neck, I grabbed life.
© Olatunde Gbenuola