

One day Moment
Title: One day Moment
by EmpressMaire

The sun shine bright in the sky
Just like, how you come in my life
It's full of color and light
It's full of promise and hope.

I never doubt your love, nor your words
For me you're the beginning
The start of new moment
Together, You and I.

And then;
The hot rays of sun come
In the middle of our world
The time, our love raise above all.

I'm contented and happy
My heart is jumping of joy
My smile bright all day
Feeling bless, feeling great!

The brightness lossen down
I don't know, what happened to us?
Why do I feel?
You're fading slowly...

The love that shine brightly
Now become a deadlights
Little by little;
The hot feelings gone cold.

My tears slowly rolling down my face
Just like the sunset in the oceans
Just like your love that fade away
It's hurt to say, "this is the end."

One day moment is an adventure
Eventually, every beginning
There's an ending
Now I can say, "thanks, I love you and goodbye."
