

A Quest of Love
If I were to go on a quest,
Thou, my cherished prize, the best.
In realms unknown, my heart explores,
Finds solace in thee, forevermore.

Amidst the library's silent grace,
Thy love unfolds, a cherished embrace.
Each whispered word, a sweet decree,
You're the book my heart longs to see.

Upon the canvas of destiny's art,
Thou art the masterpiece, the beating heart.
Through meadows of time and uncharted lands,
In the tapestry of love, our story stands.

Beneath the moon's tender glow,
Our love's tale begins to gently flow.
A celestial dance, two souls entwine,
In the symphony of love, so divine.

If I were to sail the oceans vast,
Thou, my North Star, guiding steadfast.
Through tempests and calm, side by side,
Our love, an unwavering tide.

On this odyssey of love we embark,
A journey adorned with passion's spark.
In the book of us, each page agleam,
A love story, eternal and supreme.
© Saighoe Francis Asilfie Kweku