

The rose-scented letter
The london streets, heard her silent screams,
As the sun sank behind the buildings concrete, 
Her shadow danced on the road,
As she moved towards the street no.16

She stood at the doorstep with a small frown, 
Looking at the sea blue rug that turned brown,
Her eyes looking at the beige envolope,
The rose scented letter, lied on the ground...

The clouds covered the moon halfway staring down at the street,
She picked up the letter that was at her feet,
As the stars glistened in the dark ocean, 
she was engulfed by the fragrance oh so sweet.

Her tired shadow covered the flooring that shined, 
but her plum lips were curved up into a smile,
She stepped in and plopped herself on the couch,
As the night was to be spent alone, with a bottle of wine,

As she took a breath of relief after a exhausting day,
She spotted a shilloutte peaking through the window shades,
She furrowed her brows an took a step ahead but backed off,
When a man appeared with a devilish grin but an angelic face...

His brown eyes showed lust and his steps were of desire,
She clutched the letter and ran away from the fire,
She hid under the staircase and the bed and then the closet,
But he caught her and caged her forever in the lies of a liar...

The clouds moved and the moon shined again,
The dove was caged and the keys were thrown out somewhere in the dark lane,
Her wings bleeding and innocence snatched away,
She cried yet again in misery and pain.  
© Lavenderdawn