

The fragrance of my childhood,
Hides in the folds of your embrace,
Still cling to it in adulthood,
It's my safest place.

The depth of my depression,
Hides within my smile and laughter.
Still, you recognize a fake expression
I'm safe, I don't have to be a pretender.

The battle scars of Motherhood,
Display proudly on your face.
It wasn't always easy, but it was always good.
The marks we left on you, you'd never erase.

When life starts getting me down,
you take the burden from me.
You give me time to rest before I drown,
and wait for me to heal, always so patiently.

The fragrance of my mother's home,
it's always familiar and bright.
Doesn't matter where we've gone,
To go back home is pure delight