

There’s Liberation in Subjugation
The strong prey on the weak.
Just as if the clouds steal the show from the sun
Both have a different purpose,
Yet both are compared as if they are the same.
They aren’t.
You were never meant to be like the others
But life has a way of sticking you in the same box
If judgement was tomorrow,
Would you be judged for the same experiences?
Is your life subjugated to the exact circumstances?
There is no cloud blocking your light.
Just the fog found in your mind.
Clear it.
You might find a light worth fighting for.
A warm perspective
I ask that you be free in your endeavors
Continue to meditate on who you are.
What you stand for.
Have the capacity for integrity.
And continue to subjugate your subconscious

The sun always shines in the end

© TheUpsetMillennial