

tumultuous ride
Amidst the darkness of my slumber deep,
A tempest rages, fierce and steep.
The thunder roars, the lightning strikes,
And raindrops fall like sharpened spikes.
But in this storm, I find no fear,
For it's a reflection of my inner sphere.
My anxieties, my worries, my pain,
All come alive in this tempest rain.
The lightning flashes, a bright display,
Of all the thoughts that won't go away.
The thunder booms, a constant sound,
Of the loneliness that I have found.
The rain pours down, like tears that flow,
From a heart that's heavy, weighed down low.
The wind howls on, a mournful song,
Of the depression that's been so long.
And in this storm, I find release,
A chance to let my worries cease.
For in the thunder and the rain,
I find a solace for my pain.
For though this storm may seem so wild,
It's just a reflection of my own inner child.
And as the lightning strikes and thunder rolls,
I find a comfort in these frightening goals.
For life itself is just like this storm,
A tumultuous ride that can transform.
And though the worries may weigh me down,
I know that in the end, I won't drown.
For like the storm that rages on,
I'll weather life until it's gone.
And when the lightning strikes and thunder booms,
I'll find a strength that always looms.
© dougienever