

welcome to my funeral
so one minute from now,
they'll flood your tomb room with a river of tears,
play the most melancholic sound for their aching.

familiar faces will come to see your new suit
and leave innocent comments on you like,
"he's too young to say goodbye,"
but you can no longer reply with,
"care me not!"

and your mama will give cups of cold coffee
to the visitors and start a brief conversation
'bout how to wear your heaviest medal,
how it choked your youthful hopes.
and in the following four seconds,
they'll reminisce 'bout your finest hours,
how you wear your saturn smile,
how you build your unfinished dreams.

you'll never expect
some ancient friends to come,
playing poker on a separate table,
who'll accuse you of being a narcissist,
poorly introverted for not posting
on your social media account
in the past six years,
just because you
chose to be
and the next day,
they'll learn to live without you.

they'll forget you.

© ubik