

Quantum Physics
As he scribbled furiously
in his thick hardcovered notebook,
I peeked in
to discover its mysterious contents,
and was answered with
the shutting of his note.
He then looked into
my curious eyes and said
"when I first saw her,
she made my brain foggy,
And No ,it wasn't love at the first sight,
Her dark nut brown eyes
enthralled me,
I saw her face from afar
through the vapors of her hot coffee,
As she reads her book,
I read her.
she is like an unsolved math problem,
I desperately want to learn,
she is so different yet so alike,
she is so strong yet so fragile,
she is an angel yet a demon .
And she casually says
I am as complicated as the quantum physics,
Little did she knew
I have majored in quantum physics ".
what more can I reply with
than with a blush creeping on my puffy cheeks
and a shy smile playing on my cracked lips!
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