

Dream after dreams!
Repetition of the same dreams!
Thoughts keep writing endlessly on my mind.
Thinking far deep and yet, I never mind.
Because the real love will one day be found
So, let my fate make us bound.

Times heal wounds,
Times changes moods.
The Star of my fate lead me to my missing Rib,
The Spirit of my soul, make haste to the Rib.

But here comes the gentle inner voice, "please be patient She will come in at the right time"
But the burning and uncontrollable fountain of love breaks my patience, what is the right time?

O yes! I am a man of prayers too!
O gentle me! believe in your fate too!
Sometimes, I could be follish,
Somehow, I think childish.
I go down on my knees and say my prayers,
I know the boaster of my fate is prayers.

Here my dreams come true!
My yesterday, today came true!
Telepathy! So it's called.
She saw me too and called.
Telepathy! so it's called.

She saw the realms of my wondering thoughts,
So telepathy gave me access to her thoughts.
It's accomplished! so I found her at last
It's accomplished! so I grabbed her fast.

The two have become One!
Thus my missing Rib is One!

© Etugumas