

The Stoey of Clarissa Ann and I (part 2)
2 or 3 days after Ann asked me for the picture of myself, she started to message me rather regularly. Talking to her, I realized that she and I had very similar personalities, and she could make me laugh! I had really never been with a girl that could make me laugh for real. Usually I had to fake laugh. Now, I'm not saying that girls aren't funny, just nome of the ones I have been with. Anyway, getting off track. We also had depression and anxiety In common. We both understood how the other felt, and why we felt that way. She would tell me that her husband, Gump, always told her that all that stuff was in her head. Or that she was only playing it as a sympathy card. He was a real asshole behind the scenes as it turned out. I would see that for myself in the coming days and weeks. Ann and I would talk all day while she was at work. She even got in trouble a few times for being on her phone at work. She told me that she just really enjoyed talking to me. That she wasn't allowed to have guy friends, so not to tell Gump about our correspondence. I told her that I wouldn't say a word to him about it. I enjoyed talking to her as well, it was actually kind of surreal considering that I was secretly in love with her for 12 years, or as close to in love as you can get without knowing someone super well. She was just so gorgeous. She had the sweetest little voice. The way she giggled was so endearing and cute. So the fact that she was paying any attention to me, was just aces to me. I was already on cloud 9. What would happen next would change my life for the next year. I should note that I was already very protective of her. I get that way about people that I care about.
A couple months later, New years was quickly approaching. I am normally a home body. I don't do much, if anything for occasions like that. Preferring instead to drink a bottle of wine by myself and listen to some good tunes long into the night. This year would be different apparently. Ann would tell Gump that he should invite me to their little new years get together. He still had no idea that she and I were talking all day every day, still as just friends, but all the time still. He thought that was a good idea and they did so. So I got my holiday drink of choice, Dr. Magillagudys peppermint schnapps and went over there around 8pm.
We were all having a pretty good time. They insisted I bring my guitar and entertain everyone with some music. Foreseeing this, I acquired some xanax earlier in the day, because I won't play or sing in front of ANYONE unless I have a few drinks and a xanax or 2. I know, bad combo, but I have to.do what I have to do. So I went through the songs that I knew and noticed that she was looking at me the entire time. Now this could have been because I was playing for them, but nobody else was doing that, so I tend to think otherwise. I finished up and the music was put back on. My phone started to vibrate in my lap and it was Ann. She was texting me from 6 feet away. Logic dictates that if she texted me rather than just talking to me, she must not want anyone to hear what she is saying. She told me how much she loved my playing. She didn't know that I was so good. I thanked her and told her that I would play for her anytime. She said that she might take me up on that one day. My stomach jumped and I looked up at her. She was already looking at me too. her husband was oblivious. He was drinking and talking to Shawn. She and I continued texting back and forth all night. At the end of the night Gump started to get loud and obnoxious. He always did if he had too much to drink. Helana had said something that apparently made him mad and he flipped the glass table and stomped on it as hard as he could. It shattered, sending glass flying everywhere. He picked up a full garbage can that was on the porch where we were all sitting and threw it. He started yelling and being a fucking idiot. I tried to calm him down and convince him to go to bed. He did and I started to leave. Ann asked if she could walk me home. I told her of course and we left. I asked her why she put up with that kind of shit, as he had gotten like that with her on several occasions. She told me it was because of their kids, and because she didn't think she could do better. I told her that she was a beautiful, intelligent, funny. one of a kind girl, and that she absolutely could do much better. She said yeah. maybe.....and then walked home. I walked her back home and then went back to my house. No way I'm letting a girl walk home in the dark, especially on new years by herself. I went inside and went to sleep for the night. The events that happened after this, would flip mine and her life upside down.
I don't remember if it was the next day, or a few days later, but Gump and Ann invited me over to watch a movie. I asked if they were trying to get.me into their bed again. They promised they weren't so I agreed. I went to their house later that evening and we went into their room. Gump put on the movie (The Joker if you were curioud) and took his place on his side of the bed. Ann laid in the middle, and I was on the opposite side. We were close enough that we were touching. My heart was pounding out of my chest. She smelled so amazing. As always she looked so stunning that night. Gump brought in a few drinks to enjoy while we watched the movie. I eventually fell asleep halfway through the movie. I started to hear crying. A girl saying no. stop.....I don't want to. I thought I was having a nightmare. The next thing I heard was "you're my wife bitch, you're fucking fired" I then realized that I was awake. More crying. More protests. My heart was beating so hard that I'm surprised it wasn't audible. "Is it because this mother fucker is here?" Gump growled. No response. He then abruptly woke me up.and told me that I needed to go. I could still hear Ann sniffling and whimpering. It broke my heart. I collected myself enough to get up. I looked at her and saw fear in her eyes. He went paying any attention to me, so I mouthed to her "do you want me.to leave?" She shook her head yes, I could see that she didn't really want me to. The look in her eyes was also a dead giveaway. I walked out of the room slowly, wanting to turn around and rip that mother fuckers throat out and feed it to him. I could hear her crying as I exited the house. Their kids were asleep in the next room. So if any of them woke up, they would hear it too. I feel so guilty for leaving. like a big pushy. I should have stopped it....but I didn't. He raped her. He raped his wife, and as I would later find out, it wasn't even close to the first time.
I will still be finishing this up today. There is so much more still. This girl wasn't what I thought she was, if you read my poems, you'll see that continously broke my heart. Played back and forth games with me. I hope that this helps you temper your opinion of me being with her, considering she was married. He treated her like an object. if he needed to get his jollies, he would just take it. I don't care if you are married or not, that is fucking disgusting and unforgivable. Needless to say, my opinion of him went down the toilet after that. I hated him.

© Richie Croteau