

If someone asks ;
In this whole life ,what do you hates the most?and I would rather like to say 'ignorance'.Thats hurts the most than anything .Usually we say about things or personalities but never thinks about emotions that can be changed within seconds.But some of it cannot be forgotten.We experience it and once its done.its a past.Days,months,years will pass.But we can never change what we've experienced.We can never forget out beautiful memories right?But there'll be always a thorn in everything.Not to all,but to some atleast ,it will be the word 'ignorance' that they've experienced the most may be because of those reasons that we can't imagine and cannot be changed.But in life ,everything,isn't the same and we cant always be the same.May be we wont.But still we need to.We dream to be changed for ourselves.
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