

Legendary love 💜
Chamin and Chen Xiang set off for the wizard. When they arrived, a weird looking old man smiled and welcomed them.
Chamin: Weird uncle this is....
Chen Xiang: Hello I am Chen Xiang Ching.
Wizard: Welcome, welcome my lady! I didn't know the great princess of the Lion family 👑 would come here herself!
Chen Xiang: er....I am not Xian Ching. I came from the future and took her body.
Wizard: What?? How is this possible! I have encountered many weird things in my life but I haven't heard something like this before.
Chen Xiang: Can you please send me back to the future??
Wizard: No I can't do that. but I can discover what specialities you encountered after taking her body.
The wizard explained that Chen Xiang Ching was now full of supernatural powers of the Lion family 👑.She was so powerful that she could beat anyone. It mainly happened because of her appearance from the future. Both the bodies had different types of organs, personality and even the way they speak. But their face, height, weight and fear was the same.
Wizard: Maybe it's because of your personality matched with the power of the Lion family 👑 that's why now you are full of power.
Chen Xiang: This is impossible. I bet you are having some issues with the future thing! I want to go back😡
Wizard: Well then let's see. break this wooden cupboard with your lion eyes.
Chen Xiang: Huh?? how do I do that??
Wizard: Close your eyes and open them quickly and at a broad range.
Chen Xiang Ching did what she was told and to her and everyone's surprise the cupboard shattered into itty-bitty pieces!
Chen Xiang: OMG😱!
Wizard: see! haha I told you!
Chamin: wow! now our princess won't be discouraged anymore!
What will happen when Chen Xiang Ching finally figure outs how to use the power?? Know the rest in episode 6.
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