

The Lock
Grandpa had a place he'd go
Where no one was allowed
Flashes of light, we saw inside
And sounds, that were quite loud
Sometimes we'd wait 'til he came out
Our faces all aglow
But we always missed him coming out
How? We just don't know!

We'd find him out, plowing the field
Where it seemed he'd always been
We'd ask him what he'd been up to
But he'd chuckle, and scratch his chin
One thing we thought was curious
Before he'd open up that lock
He'd reach up on the kitchen shelf
And turn the hands back on the clock

This went on 'til we all were grown
By then, he'd grown quite old
He'd lost the keys, couldn't see too well...
Seemed his secret would go untold
Until the day, out of the blue
He woke as a young man
He said, "Well that took long enough!
Can you believe it's my tenth lifespan!"

We started at grandpa, quite awestruck
Didn't know quite what to say
He said it was a 'real fine lark'
That machine he found that day
Since he'd say no more--though
we sure did ask--
We each got on with our own life
And as we grew old, he took a wife
To add spice to his new life

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