

Murder at Moonlight Mansion- ch.2-

Meanwhile... accross the bridge...deep in the wrong part of town and definitely not welcomed to the nieghborhood...
A squirly looking poindexter of a man got out of a brand new Audi A6 with a sharp suit and designer shades. completely out of place in that type of nieghborhood... all the same he was here for a purpose... to see that it got done... they wouldn't suspect anything if I showed my face....
Nervous, he hung close to his car... and from beyond the eye light a shadow emerged... approaching with caution and gaining focus with each step...as he approached he felt the need to pull out his umbrella in anticipation... it had been sprinkling for several minutes and just before the rain started... thwack...prrrtt....prrrrrt... its started to rain quite heavy.
As he came into view and approached almost enough to stand under the umbrella with me he whispered.... "psssst... you got somethin' for me?.."
"Is it done?"... He asked the gentleman in a sturn voice..."I wouldn't be standing here if I wasn't standing here... you get me meaning..."you can take it up my employer if you ain't happy ... said the disgusting pig of a man as he grabbed the briefcase and started shuffling in the other direction...
"oh, don't worry...I'm happy!-" the man says to himself as he tightens the silencer and adjusts himself...
-footsteps approach... "my employer thanks you again for your service.."...
-Patoooof... as he left him lying in the middle of the street... the nerdy, smart looking guy...slowly put his gun away, picked up the briefcase and walked over the trunk of his Audi and set it right on top of small arsenal of arranged tactical equipment he had stored in his trunk... man he liked being back in business...business was scarce for a while... but it should be picking up real soon.

To Be Continued....

© CAThomas-