

The Trail to Shadowdale-
In the darkest reaches of the forgotten forest... when candlelight led the way... my companion picked up the trail... that led to our own dismay...
for that trail was lost... and we were found... and lived to fight another day...
On the Trail to Shadowdale-
With kindred Spirits and thoughts of Starlight, and the Forgotten Realm of Fallen Angels...
We Protect the Gifted, Defended with Might... and Approach Swiftly from a Different Angle...
Deeper and Deeper, we Follow our Demons down the Euphrates... to the Hidden Chamber through the Halls of Hades.
On The Trail to Shadowdale...
Through Rivers of Blood and Skull Crushers Contest... the Mighty Maidens of Mystic Mountain... Saught to find the Springs of Misguided Youth...and Foundations of the Unfinished Fountain... in the Depths of the Mermodin's Conquest.
On The Trail to Shadowdale.
© Psamls/Poems By Thomas-