

Alphonis Kafel, A Girl With A Dark Secret. Chapter Two: Good day, Bad Night.
I had just looked up after staring down at Mt. Saint Helen's and being zoned in by my other side's arguement with our talking amulet on our head when a commercial plane is headed right for me. The plane is a good distance so I don't think anyone sees me yet. I quickly veer of to the side then above the plane to not risk being seen. Unfortunately my wings went down at the same time the plane had just made it under me, they didn't get hit but the whole plane shook badly because of the wind coming off my wings. I could hear the passengers' surprised screams and the then the pilot's apoligizing for the unexpected severe turbulence. Their voices slowly died away as I hovered in the air and the plane turned into a single light in the distance. My other side started laughing and our amulet made a explosion noise then started to laugh as well. "Seriously you two, are you trying to get innocents killed?!" I said with a snarl. "Hey, your the one in control here, not us." my other side said in her wise sounding voice. I made no anwser to that but I thought to myself that she was right, I didn't pay attention and with that, I had almost killed over thirty people on that plane. "Correction, it was twenty two living organisms in that flying peice of steel." My side said in a matter of factly tone. I narrowed my four eyes then said, "Right Mrs. Know All, so then why didn't you tell me a freaking plane was coming?!" "I was having an important conversation remember? And you have the body in your control soo..." she replied calmly and rolled our eyes. "Ugh!" I yelled then went back towards home. I usually was back in bed around four a.m because that was the earliest my grandma got up, but it was only one fifty three so I got more time to risk crashing into planes. I landed on a different hill that has no nearby properties because it's where human hunters go to find deer, coyotes, foxes, or elk if they're lucky. There is never anyone here at this time so this is now my hunting spot. I eat normal human food but when I change forms I get very hungry and I've adapted to wildlife being the food sourse. "I wish your planet had Terrors.. " my other side said as our large three stomachs seemed to agree with whatever she was talking about. "Terrors, what do you mean?" I fineally had to ask because she likes to talk about "Terrors" alot. "Ah right, tiny homosapien doesn't know what Terrors are, homosapiens are sad little amoebas that..." she said until I interupted with the sound of clearing my throat. "Right, Terrors are my main food source where I'm from and even though they are the worst kind of parasyte creatures that are about three times your size and invade much much larger creatures to eat them inside out while burning them with their venom, they actually clean my insides out because I heal faster than they eat." she said as I began to feel a bit off all the sudden and would be quite pale if I was in human form right now. "Sounds appatizing..." I said quietly with a roll of our eyes. I wanted to ask where she was from but that again would lead to me asking how we became "formed" together when I was born and when both my biological parents are completely human, but she won't anwser that question no matter how many times I ask. She started to talk to the strange amulet on our head again in her forieghn language and I went to sniffing out deer herds as I lowered my massive body. My smelling ability is incredible, I can smell literally everything in this forest and it's quite overwhelming until I can focuse my senses. My four long ears turned to every sound as I waited for the right sound to catch my ears. I heard a twig snap close by, then maybe six deer together breathing unequally as they ate grass quietly. I was going to need more than the six deer but it's a start. I went to their grazing site and I lowered my body into a ready to attack pose, the deer thought it was just the wind as my body and wings shook the large trees, they certainly don't expect a giant alien to pounce on them. I was about to start my quick feeding frenzy until I heard a gun cock to ready a bullet. "No freakin way!" I thought to myself as then a loud shot fired. The deer pack started to run but one young buck fell foward then laid on its side in pain. My ears flattened against my head due to the very loud noise. I wanted to chase the fleeing deer but I had to remain still so the random hunter didn't spot me. A guy with black hair, brown skin, and was dressed in heavy camoflouge clothes while he held a caliber rifle walked out of behind a tree on the other side of the forest and stopped at the suffering deer's side as he spoke quietly to the dying young buck. I blinked quickly but tried to keep my large protesting muscles still as I watched the guy. "Great, an amoeba stole our food." my other side thought and then did a large sigh. The guy was about to shoot the deer again but our sigh made him stop. The large warm wind blew on the forest and him, causing him to look around for the suddenly warm source. "What the..." he said as he then shivered due to the returning cold. He raised his gun again then shot the buck in the head. My other side doesn't like things that go boom aparently and she made me do a large growl toward him. "Freaking great!" I think to myself as he looks toward our direction. I couldn't close my red glowing eyes in time and the clouds have cleared enough to make the moon's light bring out every shadow in the forest. The guy suddenly backed up then started to yell a series of curse words. He reloaded his gun quickly then aimed it at us as he shivered and prayed. I couldn't run at this point because it would tear this forest apart , and he was standing in the closest clearing for flight. I don't know if he can hurt me with that rifle, especially since I don't know where he's aiming. So my only option is to go towards him.
© Alphonis Kafel