

The Amityville horror true story-What really happened?
We all have heard about the famous Amityville house isn't it?
Mainly because of the movies and books written about it.
But do we know what the main reason for it being famous is?
Was it the acting....the direction...or the actors?
Well it is famous because it was based on a true story and also the controversies related to the house contributed in its popularity.
Yes, there is an actual Amityville out there...and it's still standing....
but is it really a haunted house??
We will get the answers in the end.....
First let's go through the story..
The story starts In November 1974 with a seemingly normal DeFeo family resided in the Amityville home. With 7 family members, 5 children and 2 adults.... one night at Around 3:15 AM, one of the DeFeo children, Ronald DeFeo Jr., murdered his entire family as they slept.
Yes, this is the start of the story,
let's see where the story goes....
Moving on, The 23-year-old went from room to room and shot dead both of his parents and his four siblings. He said that he heard voices in the home telling him to murder his parents and his siblings. He was given six life sentences. As of now he is still serving his time in a New York prison.
After the murders, the house was vacant for over a year. It was then purchased for a very low price of $80,000 by George Lutz, his wife Kathy, and their sons Daniel and Christopher.
They were very happy with the house because it was very big and was built in Dutch-colonial style and was great for it's price. They knew the previous incidents happened so they decided to invite a priest to bless the house for them.....
Father Mancuso arrived to perform the blessing while, George and Kathy were unpacking their belongings. On the afternoon of December 18, 1975 and went into the building to carry out the rites. When he flicked the first holy water and began to pray, he heard a masculine voice demand that he "get out" and felt a slap across his face. When leaving the house, Father Mancuso did not mention this incident to either George or Kathy Insted said not to use that room.
I don't know why he wouldn't mentione such a thing to them...

Moving on....it was later found that it was the former bedroom of Marc and John Matthew DeFeo, that Kathy planned to use as a sewing room. Following his visit to the house, Father Mancuso allegedly developed a high fever and blisters on his hands. At first George and Kathy experienced nothing unusual in the house.
But after some days, they claimed to have seen many horrifying things like lime coming out of the walls, knives being thrown off kitchen counters, and a red-eyed creature resembling a pig. They’ve seen figures wandering inside the home when it was supposed to be empty and felt cold spots at some places. George says he saw his wife and children levitating above their bed, and was woken up every morning at 3:15 a.m., the exact time that DeFeo killed his entire family.
It's really hard to believe when we hear or read this..... but apparently it was true.....But it also makes me wounder why wouldn't they leave the house after the first incident, even after knowing that people where murdered in there....
When they experienced all this, they tried to call a Catholic priests, but everytime they called, the call use to automatically get disconnected or they would hear static....
So they decided to do things themselves..... and took a holy cross and started praying. It is said that while praying they heard loud demonic voices saying 'Will you please stop'.
The next day, things for them were scarier. Doors were closing by themselves and strange noises were heard. It was the last night they spent in that house.
I mean why would they live there for one more day when they witnessed what happened the precious night??
They lived their for about 28 day.
Moving on, These stories spreaded like wild fire throughout the town and everyone was talking about it.....The stories attracted Ed and Lorraine Warren towards the house. They investigated the house, Ed and Lorraine both felt something pushing them when they were in the basement. Lorraine saw many visions of demons and ghost in that house along with the dead body of Defoe family wrapped in white sheets.
They set up different cameras in different spots and strangely they got a photo which seemed to be of a child's spirit.
Also they got to know about the dark history of that place..... with many deaths happening at that place.

Many people claim that amityville house is not actually haunted but it was all made up. So to clarify this Lutz family took a lie detector test, which they Passed.

The house has had five different owners since the DeFeo murders. One of the owners even changed the address from 112 Ocean Avenue to 108 Ocean Avenue to avoid any tourists. Most recently, it was purchased for $605,000 ($200,000 below asking price) in February 2017.

The Lutz family’s paranormal experiences first inspired Jay Anson’s 1977 book, The Amityville Horror, as well as the 1979 original movie and the 2005 remake. Today, there are 18 different films about the house. Several documentaries have also been made, including some that feature Ronald DeFeo Jr.
Now for the main question.... is the Amityville really haunted??
we can't ignore the fact that,
the families who lived their after, Lutz family never experienced any Paranormal Activities.
What if I say, it was not the house but the family which was facing paranormal issues.
Actually, Danny Lutz(son) claimed the disturbances in the Amityville house had nothing to do with the DeFeos or the house but He said it was actually George(father) who had summoned the bad spirits with his dabblings in the occult. A vain, domineering stepfather, he had terrorized his stepchildren. He sometimes beat them with a wooden spoon as punishment. Christopher Quaratino, the middle Lutz child, has told similar stories and also blames George for the haunting.
Also if we think about the Defoe family.....It is possible that Ronald Defoe, was actually suffering for a mental disorder or he was just making up things so that it was easy for him to win the case....
I mean anything is possible....
So what do you think was the amityville house really haunted or it was the just family......
© Priya Rai