

The worst thing about depression is that you see life through a lense no one tries to look through. If you do you can help your loved ones through their bouts with it and ultimately help them recover. I added sorrow, I didn't merit myself and I brought about change that wouldn't have existed without my dedication.We get so discouraged with situations we leave them, along with the people dealing with them. If you give into your mind you do what it wants, looking for a disconnect that improves the lives of many because I feel like if I want to adequately work towards something better, I need to put myself last. Life's precious and I can hug myself before I make my exit. Suffering can be as useful as it is needless. My mental constructs are broken but they aren't comfortable. Apathy doesn't reside in me because I gotta girl that's gonna need answers. A post ain't gonna instill anything I can. All my intentions are ignored and everything I never intended is being used to smother the flame necessary to everyone's health. My mother taught me that when you point fingers you normally have four pointing back at you. If that is your extent of concern, I pray people love the people you're condemning. Half assed activism is the closest thing to the hoods, I never stood for. There is no acceptable racism, it isn't a roulette table no one needs a turn. They killed MLK because he changed the world, my idol gone but his love left intact. Hate can take many things away but love can bring anything worth having back. I'll respect man's law when it focuses on the progression of us all. I'll eat a bullet if it means I loved, I don't have a weak mind that can be simply shoved. What I'm getting at is love even when it hurts because that pain you feel when you genuinely love is merely an indicator that your heart works. It's never easy but it will always be worth it.

© mojojojo2895