

There is hope of living
This is a story of a girl named Emma she is happy with her family she have a lot of joy cause she is the only daughter of are parent then one day the mother of Emma dad called him to come for holiday in her place Emma was happy that she is going to her grandma place then her mom Park all the luggage into the car boot then they get ready enter the car and Emma dad drive on their way to Grandma place the road light indicate red light which means stop Emma dad supposed to stop the car but the brake failed that when they have an accident Emma dad die Immediately while Emma and her mom was rushed to the hospital Emma mom also die in the hospital one week later Emma woke up her grandma was my her side in the hospital she blame her self for calling her son to come and visit her Emma woke up the next thing she asked is her mom and dad and they told her are parent have die she started crying are made her not stable she is out of this world then the doctor said they can take her home her grandma told her she will be staying with her dad younger sister her dad sister have a son named Mike when she reached her sister dad home they show her the room she will be staying she hardly come out of the room then one after three months one of Mike brother friend which live in across the street come to take his brother which is Mike friend from their house then she saw Emma he greeted her she didn't answer the he asked Mike while and then Mike explain everything to him then the following week he came to their house again that Time Emma was sitting in the living room and then he walk to her and he said hi Emma did not answer him and he said he understands the pain she is going through then he said is not every one you are seeing laughing that does not have a past and he said like him his best friend died in a car accident he was with him in the car but he was the only survival he cried but that doesn't mean he is going to wake up again his grandma told him to not cry again then he stops to cry his grandma understand him a lot he comfort him then a week later his grandma also die he thinks the world is over for him that all those who he loves most are dieing he lost his mind then his parent told him if grandma was alive what will she want for him his parent said they will surely want the best for him even if everything is bad their is till hope of living that everything will still be fine and all will be well and when he told Emma her story and she told Emma that all what her parent will want from her is to be Happy and keep on living for them and make them proud even if she think their is no more hope of living for her she should not think like she should keep on living and then Emma think about everything he told her and she said thank you and she told him are parent want her to be a medical doctor and she love being a medical doctor he said she should go for it and her family will support her and she live happily ever after and she make her dreams come true