

Today we are celebrating our 75th independence day of our country .
long back 1947 we got our independence. we know that now we are living in this independent India because of the struggles of our freedom fighters. it is important that we should remember each one of them today .we are celebrating Independence day as a national festival. Independence Day is observed throughout India with flag hosting ceremony and lot of Cultural Events .15th August is not only about freedom, it reminds us about the pain of being enslaved, the strength of unity, and it also defines the sacrifice . It is our responsibility ,as proud citizen of our country to sincerely perform a duty and progress together for the growth and development of a country.

On this occasion , our thought first turn to Mahatma Gandhi, the man behind the struggle for freedom and the martyrs who made the supreme Sacrifice Of Our Country Liberty.
Gandhiji was a great Indian figure, who gave India a great lesson in non-violence.
The sacrifice of all the freedom fighters like bagad Singh , khudi Ram Bose , and Chandra Shekhar Azad , who lost their lives in an early age just to fight for their country , can never be forgotten.

We celebrate Independence Day , by hosting the national flag and reciting the national anthem.
We are so lucky, to have been given a land of peace and happiness by our forefathers, were we can sleep all night without fear and enjoying the whole day.

RABIDRANATH TAGORE SAID : we gain freedom, when we have paid the full price.....

🇮🇳 JAI HIND..... 🇮🇳

