

💻💻💻Our First Collaboration 💻💻💻
Presenting to you all a new suspense thriller
by @Ajuniorstyler and Ritu.....
Let's begin.....

Rajat lived comfortably in Gurgaon with his colleague Saurabh. Both worked in a tech company, Rajat earning well with a ₹75,000 monthly salary, while Saurabh was new to the team. They shared an apartment, often enjoying late-night discussions about work and life over cups of chai. Rajat was an avid fitness enthusiast, starting his mornings with a run followed by a gym session, while Saurabh preferred to relax with a book before heading to work.

One morning, after his shower, Rajat saw a friend request from Suchita, a 22-year-old from Shimla, on Instagram. Intrigued by her photo, he accepted.

Saurabh teased, "Another crush, Rajat? Always falling for these profiles!"

Rajat laughed it off, "You're just jealous!"

Days passed, and Rajat found himself talking to Suchita every day. They discussed everything under the sun—Suchita's dreams of becoming an artist, her love for the mountains, and her family's traditional values.

She quickly confessed her love for him, but they never met face-to-face. Rajat tried to video call her, but Suchita always said her parents were around and couldn't talk.

"I really want to meet you, Rajat," Suchita assured him. "But my parents are strict."

Saurabh warned Rajat about online scams, but Rajat brushed it off, trusting Suchita. As time went on, doubts crept into Rajat's mind.

"I trust you, Suchita, but I need something more," Rajat finally admitted, asking for a photo showing her face.

Suchita was hurt but eventually sent a picture, asking for one of Rajat without hiding his face. Rajat, torn between trust and caution, sent his photo.

Months passed, and Suchita asked Rajat for money several times, claiming family emergencies. Rajat hesitated, always finding an excuse of being busy with work or something else. Meanwhile, Rajat continued his daily routines—morning runs, gym sessions, and evenings spent discussing tech trends with Saurabh.

His weekends were often filled with movie marathons or exploring new cafes in Gurgaon.

At times, Suchita's stories didn't quite add up. Once, she mentioned her father's business going under due to a failed investment, only to later claim it was because of a sudden health crisis. Rajat questioned her about the inconsistency.

"You said it was a failed investment, not his health," Rajat pointed out.

Suchita quickly tried to cover her tracks. "Oh, I meant the stress from the investment failure caused his health to deteriorate. It's all connected, Rajat."

Feeling confused but wanting to trust her, Rajat let it slide. Suchita always had a way of twisting the story to make it seem plausible, and Rajat found himself believing her again.

Another time, she mentioned having an older brother who was a doctor, but weeks later, she claimed she was an only child. When Rajat questioned her, she laughed it off. "Oh, I meant my cousin brother. We are so close that I call him my brother.

Sorry for the confusion!"

There were also inconsistencies about her job. Initially, she claimed to be an intern at an art gallery, but later, she said she was managing a family-owned café. When Rajat pointed this out, she responded, "I was just helping out at the café during my internship. It's all part of the same experience."

Despite these red flags, Rajat's feelings for Suchita deepened. One evening, during their usual chats,
Rajat asked, "Suchita, who is your motivation?
"Suchita replied, "No one. My life is just sad and boring. No one is near me.
"Rajat, concerned, replied, "Hey, don't say that, love. I am with you.
""Really? Are you with me?" asked Suchita, her voice trembling.
"Yes, of course, my dear," Rajat assured her.
There were times when Suchita seemed confused about basic details about Rajat.
"I don't trust boys much," she said once.
They sometimes lie about their age. Some say they're 20, some 24, some 30, but it's always different.
"Rajat suddenly replied, "Ahh, okay. Well, I am not like them. I always tell the truth. I told you earlier that I am 24, and I am. I can give you proof too.
"Suchita quickly backtracked. "No, no, love. I believe you. I'm just talking about those boys who lie a lot. But you are truly honest and a nice person.
"Another time, she tried to trick Rajat into revealing details about his job.
"Rajat, yesterday someone from your office asked about you," she said."
From my office?" Rajat asked, puzzled.
"Yes, someone from the bank," Suchita replied.
"But I work in a tech company, not a bank," Rajat pointed out.
"Yes, I know that, Rajat. He was calling me from the bank," Suchita corrected herself quickly.
Despite these inconsistencies, Rajat continued to trust her.
when she revealed her father's illness and financial crisis, asking for ₹5 lakh to save him, Rajat couldn't say no.

Overwhelmed with love, he sent the money without hesitation. Their conversations became more desperate, with Suchita always in some new crisis, needing funds to solve them. Rajat sent money repeatedly, hoping to help her and solidify their bond.

As months passed, Rajat continued sending money, nearly ₹30 lakh in total. He finally admitted to Suchita that he was running out of money.

But then Suchita disappeared. Days later, Rajat received a shocking message on Instagram.

"Hey handsome, let's end this game. Here are your nudes. Give us ₹1 crore or I'll show them to your colleagues. They won't like it," the message read.

Rajat's heart sank. He realized he had been tricked, his trust and love used against him.

In disbelief, Rajat dropped his phone, unable to comprehend the betrayal that had left him devastated. He replayed their conversations in his mind, realizing that the intricate details of Suchita's life—the dreams, the family stories, the crises—had all been a carefully crafted illusion designed to manipulate his emotions and his wallet. Even the moments when she stumbled over her stories were part of the deception, expertly played to keep him ensnared.
.....the story will continue.......


© Ritu and @Ajuniorstyler