

Tell No One
The footsteps following me sounded closer. I ran through the empty corridors of the hospital, my heart pounding with terror.
I turned a corner and stopped short. I had reached a dead end. It was doctor Wren. He had been bribed to kill a patient. I overheard their conversation while they were talking. He caught me eavesdropping. Now he wants to kill me so as to keep his secret safe

"Oh Kendall come to daddy" He sang as his footsteps became more louder and closer.

I looked up and I saw an open window. I quickly climbed up because the window was not too high and jumped down to the next floor which wasn't too far from the one we where. I opened the window and entered the office where the workers were. They were all amazed at why I would do such a thing but I didn't have time for them . I started downstairs.

"Fuck shit , she is not here" Doctor Wren said .

He then saw the open window and start running downstairs.

"Stop that woman" He shouted pointing at me.

The guard tried to hold me down but I punched him in the face and ran outside. I didn't go straight to my house, I ran to my Mia's house, who was my friend, for help.

"What happened to you" she asked

So I narrated everything to her

"Then you are not safe here, You have to leave now" She said

"Yes it is true"I said

I stood up to leave when some strange armed men suddenly entered the house. They shot Mia. Then I saw doctor Wren coming from their back

"Kendall you didn't think you would escape with such a huge secret" He said pointing the gun at me

" What do you want, you can kill me if you want to kill me. I am ready" I said almost crying

" Am not going to kill you instead am going to use you.You are going to help me with a little project. It is not going last for long don't worry and am going to pay you well and if you try to play smart , I would kill you" He said dropping the gun

He literally forced me into helping him kill patients. I felt guilt within me.I had no parents nor siblings.The only brother I had died in a car accident years ago

One month later

"I can't do this anymore,I need to kill doctor Wren " I said in my mind

I took the gun in my bag and put it inside my inner pocket so that others won't see it and then I went to Doctor Wren's office.

"What do you think you are trying to do" Doctor Wren said

"Kill you of course,Look I can't continue to kill patients anymore neither would I allow you to keep killing them because they have their own right to live" I said

I explained some other things to him and afterwards and I decided to pull the trigger

"Your reigns of evil are over" I said and shot him when I heard freeze. It was the police, Someone must have invited them here.

"Drop your weapon" One of them said

I dropped my gun and looked up and saw an open window. I decided to run and jump .

"Put your hands by your back" One said

Then I started running towards the window and they started shooting at me . I was about to jump when one bullet hit the back of my head and then I fell . I could hear the police talking and after some seconds , I couldn't hear anything. It was lights out.


#Tellnoone #guilt