

Magic Wizards Ep 5: The Tank Experiment (Part 7)

Today's Read: A little longer than usual. The Tank Experiment has finally begun! Full of denies and a very BIG shocking moment. 😱 What can the Wizards do about this?! If you wanna understand the story more please go back to the previous episodes. Let the story continue.

Ep 5: The Tank Experiment

Tank and the Wizards were finally inside of his garage. The Wizards and Rascals went in after Tank. Keeping their eyes speculating and exploring. Looking around at different chemicals and technical stuff that they didn't expect to see. The garage was even bigger than they had thought. As big as it was, it could've been another house next to Tanks even. Questions roamed around in their head. Who would keep this kinda stuff inside of a place like this? What kind of experiment was Tank really gonna do with them?

"Wow. He's quite the science guy i see." Rj tries to whisper to the others but gets heard anyway.

"That's right. Take a look. Like what you see?" Tank responded.

They kept quiet and looked around kinda confused. Keeping their eyes steady. They had even walked past him not even noticing. While they did Tank caught up and uncovered 3 weird looking machines. The machines caprured their attention. They were kinda big, black and filled almost half of the room, or did. Not moving or anything. Next to them was the control system of course. By now, the Wizards were really curious to know what Tank was up to. This definitely wasn't gonna be a simple experiment or as Tank referred to them before as "fun."

"What the hell is that thing?" Rj said without hesitating. He looked at Quincy.

"I came and ruin my date for this?" Rege said next and also looked at him.

He ignored them. And instead questioned Tank.

"What are those? What are they for?"

"Their going to test you on something. And i need you all to get in one of them. It's an important experiment im testing and i choose you 3, so you should feel lucky."

He walked behind them as a way to pressure them. His face turned serious as ever and he stopped directly behind Quincy as he turned his head to Tank.

"And uh Quincy....I promise...this isn't anything bad. Just trust me. It's for your own good. I wouldn't hurt you. I PROMISE. You're my neighbor. So what do you say?"

Tanks words sounded genuine than ever. Should Quincy really believe Tank? He met his seriousness as they both eyed each other for a moment. He was about to speak up finally until Rege did.

"Ok i hate to say this but im not in. Quincy your right, something is weird about this. You haven't explained enough."

"Well what way should i explain?" he said facing Rege now.

"Well like what you need it for? Why your doing it?" Rj butted in.

There was a lot of tension in the room now. No one spoke. Not even Tank. Instead he started to pace in a circle, thinking of an idea to get them to trust him. But could he?

He walked...and walked some more. Finally after moments he stopped in front of them. They were turned around facing him now. Watching his every move.

"Geez. You guys can't just listen to me. Look it's nothing bad. if I could tell you what it was for then i would, so please...just get in." He was begging kinda at this point.

"No. We're not. You gave us little to no detail about what the hell you want us for and what the hell the machine does. Not to mention what the Experiment is." Quincy said kinda heated and upset.

"Yeah, we're not." Rege repeated.

The Wizads and Rascals were scared of what Tank might try now. Expescially since he was the one in front of them. The door to the exit was behind him and the machines were behind the Wizards. At this point running away was probably useless. But they did have magic of course. could that be an option?!

Tank sighed. "I thought you might say that. Quincy...I really didn't want it to have to come to this."

Tank quickly reached for his pocket.


Rj immediately tried to run past but before he could Tank had done the most unbelievable thing they didn't expect..he had a magic wand! Waving it as if he were a wizard a force pulled Rj back and pushed him, along with Rege and Quincy to the machines with force. Click! The machines started to light up and move turning ways that would make them dizzy. They were strapped in now. And there was nothing they could do except for Rascals.

"LET THEM GO! I COMMAND THEE!!!" Rascals repeated over and over trying to over power the magic that tank had with his magic wand.

But it didnt work. What was that magic Tank had?! How did he even get a magic wand?!

"WHAT'S GOING ON?" Rj screamed panicking as the machines continued rotating.

"I....don't...know, Rascals....do something." Rege said breathing hard.


The wizards started to feel the machine closing in on them. It gripped them tighter as Tank watched. Walking closer to the control system. Rascals tried to butt heads to Tank, but instead he went through him as if he were a ghost.

"QUINCY WHAT DO WE DO?" Rj yelled back.

He started to feel a little tight unable to move. Quincy was the same. he could barely speak.

"I-i.... don't....know." He struggled trying to shake himself out. (To be continued...)

#Mystery #Thriller #Suspense #Magic #Love #Heartbreak #Teendrama #Greenville #WizardA #WizardB

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