

Magic Wizards Ep 5: The Tank Experiment (Part 7)

Today's Read: A little longer than usual. The Tank Experiment has finally begun! Full of denies and a very BIG shocking moment. 😱 What can the Wizards do about this?! If you wanna understand the story more please go back to the previous episodes. Let the story continue.

Ep 5: The Tank Experiment

Tank and the Wizards were finally inside of his garage. The Wizards and Rascals went in after Tank. Keeping their eyes speculating and exploring. Looking around at different chemicals and technical stuff that they didn't expect to see. The garage was even bigger than they had thought. As big as it was, it could've been another house next to Tanks even. Questions roamed around in their head. Who would keep this kinda stuff inside of a place like this? What kind of experiment was Tank really gonna do with them?

"Wow. He's quite the science guy i see." Rj tries to whisper to the others but gets heard anyway.

"That's right. Take a look. Like what you see?" Tank responded.

They kept quiet and looked around kinda confused. Keeping their eyes steady. They had even walked past him not even noticing. While they did Tank caught up and uncovered 3 weird looking machines. The machines caprured their attention. They were kinda big, black and filled almost half of the room, or did. Not moving or anything. Next...