

In his world (I surrender) - Chp III
It was all just like a dream. A dream of a teenager. A dream that felt beyond fantasy. Him and I. We weren't just classmates or friends. We had a unique relationship which was hard to explain.

He smiles, when I smile. He's sad, when I'm sad. He cries, when I cry but.....Even when he follows my every emotions.....I still felt his warmth.
He holds my hand, interlinking them and caressing it softly which tell me that everything is gonna be okay and he was there for me. Right here. Right beside me.
I knew I was getting obsessed by this. by this feelings towards him. I wanted him to be mine. Mine alone. I wanted to hold his hands forever, searching for the same warmth that he use to make me feel.

but.......Nothing stays forever. does it?

George Christopher Fernandes. 2018. Arts University. Batch 23 and Class - D. We were classmates at first. A very tall, almost 183 cm, Long blond hair with a manly ponytail, Glaring eyes giving a dark aurora, Perfectly shaped body wearing black every day and had a tattoo on his neck and his left arm. The pattern isn't clear from far but he the tattoos looked really good on him.

Isn't he hot? He is the hot topic of our class every single day. Girls drool over him but he doesn't give a damn about it.
He is so occupied in himself....maybe that's why he doesn't care about girls going crazy on him.
He's all over our university. Swimming club, he's the head. Basketball team, he's the captain. Good at athelete and also a very good artist. He paints very well and plays guitar in his free time. Only when he's free.

Technically....He is the hot dude but Me.....I'm the best nerd of the class. wearing round glasses, hates Jean and short tops, heels discomfort me and also braiding my hair because I hate loose hair that disturbs my face.

He was like the star. Star in the far sky. We can only dream of reaching it but in reality, we can never touch it.

Me? I'm like a garbage bin standing in a lonely park where people use it but never really care about it.

Not even in dreams I thought this day would come.
The day......Where the Star meets the lonely garbage bin.

To be continued.....
by Purp_grl 💜

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