

The Witch of Love
There was a town called Crooked Oak, now named 'The town of Pleasure' which was home to a normal society apart from one woman. It was said that she was a witch, slowly gaining power to cast a gigantic spell over the town. Most people ignored these myths. But some people believed that she would curse all who lived there.

The Witch was studying every little detail of the people in the town. She admired them: being able to walk around without being threatened all the time but there was one thing that the Witch doesn't understand. There's no romance going on down there. No ones hugging or even holding hands so the Witch saught to fix them. She had been brewing a potion for the last three days. By the final day it was bubbling pink. All she needed to do was pour it into the well and watch the magic. So one night while everyone was sleeping, she went down and poured the potion into the well. She then retreated back upto her tower and watched. The first people that drank from the well acted normal until a person of the opposite gender drank the potion. Then they would immediately tear their clothes off and run at each other. Hugging and kissing each other until the night, where they went inside and proceeded intimately dance together.
The potion she conjured up was called the potion of everlasting love. And it would make the two drinkers fall head over heels in love with each other. Soon the potion spread to the air where even more people found love. One of those people was the Witch. She took a deep breath in and then saw him, in the middle of the road waiting for her. She tore off her clothes, revealing her smooth, elegant body and lept into her lovers arms. They hugged and kissed all day until night where they danced and danced until morning where they kissed and hugged and the cycle repeated.

It is said that all who enter the town find their true love within seconds. The potion spread all over the land, soon everyone was in a constant loop of kissing, intercourse, kissing, intercourse and they all enjoyed themselves.

The end.