

the end of the beginning.
I blinked as I regained consciousness. I had hit my head hard, or had someone hit me? Then I realised I was holding a bloody knife in my hand.

I gasped. And threw the knife away in shock. It dropped noisily on the cold floor. I stood to sitting position, my heart beating like war drums.
That was when I saw it. The whole of my family murdered in cold blood. The knife had dropped close to my mom. Her eyes were still open. My dad was close to the door drenched in his own blood.
Then I heard it, siren blowing aloud. The murder weapon had my finger print. I was confused. I needed to get away from there. Fast.
But first, I took the knife and cleaned it with my mom's wide skirt. Then held the knife with a handkerchief and put it in my dad's hand. I took the hankercheif and put it in my pocket.
With tears in my eyes, I bid goodbye. The police were starting to surround the house. I took the secret door, it led to our basement. I just had to leave.
I got out into the rain. Everything was behind me. I walked towards the path ahead of me. The rain drenching me. I had more than just the rain to worry about.
To who ever did this to me and my family. I had no words. I'll find them. But now I needed to be out of sight.