

Hidden Love Found
Chapter 1
Searching for love ♥️

ounce up an a time in cascios northern Island, Live a beautiful princess name Midas. Her beauty drew the attention of many men but they only want her for her beauty.
She was looking for true love, she wants someone to love her for who she is not for her beauty. she his searching for love but all the men was attracted to her beauty they praise her for her beauty and nothing else not even for her kindness. Midas said i want to get married and have a happy family.

One night she was sitting under a mango tree eating some fresh juicy mangoes.
When she finished eating the mangoes she wash her hands.
Sitting down wondering why she can't find her true love. she was crying her tears filled the forest with pure love.

Chapter 2
A strange voice.

She was crying hoping to find her heart desire. She heard a voice she turn around , she saw only smokes, she said who is it?
Your invisible strange friend you can't see me , i know your heart desire I will grant you your wish. You will find true love soon that will love you endlessly dry your tears.
Midas said how can I find my true love men just praise me for my beauty.
The strange voice said i know but your true love is hidden. You will find your true love go to bed we will talk in the morning.
She went to bed hugging her teddy bear.
She said i can't wait to see my true love i want someone who will melt my heart.♥️

Chapter 3
Desperate for a true love💚

Midas woke up in a good feeling she feels excited. She was smiling she went to back yard under the mango tree to meet her strange friend. As she was wondering to herself she saw the smoke rose up in the sky.
She heard the strange voice said hi midas how are you? Midas reply with a bright smile i am good. Hope you are ready to meet your hidden love and ready to make your wishes and accept him. Midas said yes my friend i am ready, lets go now. The strange voice said we are going down to the streams to meet your love.

Chapter 4
Down the stream with frog's.

They went down to the stream Midas said there is no one here more than frogs. what am I doing here with frog's. A special frog here is your heart desire said the strange voice. A frog can never be my heart desire, the strange voice said stretch out your hands a take the frog and make three wishes. She said how can i touch a dirty ugly frog that's disgusting. The strange voice said i will leave you here if you don't want to do what i say. She said ok i will in a low voice she take the frog and look at it with scorn she make her three wishes. The strange voice took back the frog and hold it high in the sky and he was speaking a language that only him could understand.

Chapter 5
Hidden love Found ♥️

The strange voice said it is time to see your true love kiss the frog that's is in my hands.
Midas said what? the strange voice said do as i say .
I won't repeat. Midas kiss the frog with scorn, less than two minutes the frog turn gold and then into a young handsome prince. Midas was surprised she was crying how my goodness i found my true love.
She ran towards the prince and hug him.
She said my wish has come true thank you strange voice. The strange voice reply you are welcome but listen do not tell anyone this our secret if you do he will turn back into a frog and your life will full of mystery.
Midas said no i won't she smile and take him home to palace. They get married, five years later they start having beautiful children.
They live in Love peace and harmony.
They live happily ever after. ♥️

The End!

Thank much for reading.

© shanaeparry🦋🦋