

Hidden Love Found
Chapter 1
Searching for love ♥️

ounce up an a time in cascios northern Island, Live a beautiful princess name Midas. Her beauty drew the attention of many men but they only want her for her beauty.
She was looking for true love, she wants someone to love her for who she is not for her beauty. she his searching for love but all the men was attracted to her beauty they praise her for her beauty and nothing else not even for her kindness. Midas said i want to get married and have a happy family.

One night she was sitting under a mango tree eating some fresh juicy mangoes.
When she finished eating the mangoes she wash her hands.
Sitting down wondering why she can't find her true love. she was crying her tears filled the forest with pure love.

Chapter 2
A strange voice.

She was crying hoping to find her heart desire. She heard a voice she turn around , she saw...