

Pick your Poison-Chapter 33: U my weakness
Chapter 33: U my weakness

"I know batter when I see one and that does not look like something that could bake. Let alone, be edible."

Dino tossed Meera a 'oh really' look before stepping aside. "You wanna take it from here?" "After all the hard effort you put into it, no thanks Dino." It was fun being the teaser for once in her life.

The weekend was over and it was the start of a new week with no fights as yet. As a matter of fact, Meera and Dino were actually getting along. Yesterday he'd tried cleaning up this dump, managed to open up most of the windows and he'd gotten the power box working. It was progress.

But today, Dino might have overcrossed his skills. Meera was a baker-sort of-and she could tell that Dino had absolutely no idea of how to make...she didn't even know what he was trying to make.

Meera sighed heavily, holding back all forms of laughter arising. "Why don't you start by telling me what it is that you baking?"

Dino threw down the mixing spoon on the table. "Carrot cake. The recipe looked simple." "Recipes always look simple," Meera laughed, "Carrot cake is actually one of the most difficult things to bake. You gotta grate the carrots, you need those thingies from the orange, sesame seeds." And since there were no electrical appliances around, they'd had to do all of that by hand.

"Alright fine, so now what do we do?" Dino asked, looking drained. "How about you just stick to the things you do best and let me take it from here. What you do say?"

She headed to the half-broken cabinets to look for more dishes to use. Meera hadn't really questioned Dino as to how he had managed to get all of these groceries in a matter of two days; he probably made a plan like he usually did. She didn't want to know those plans.

Closing the empty cupboard, she jumped at the feel of Dino's warm breath on her neck. She should have known guys like him never gave up.

"And what is it that I do best princess...?"

Deep breaths. Meera calmed herself before turning around. "I think you know exactly what it is that you do best," she rolled her eyes pretending as if his closeness didn't affect her. She pushed him back lightly. As expected, he didn't move.

"Yeah you right, I do know. Maybe if you give me a chance to show you how good I am, you might-" "Just move. Move!" she repeated, putting on a casual expression on her face like she was some sort of expert in these type of situations.

"So you don't want me to show you my other talents." He leaned in closer still, Meera took a step back. "No I do not. Now can you move, I have a lot of things to do and one of them includes cleaning up this mess that you caused."

"Hmm, we'll see Meera." Dino touched the tip of her nose and disappeared into the living room. "See what?" she called after him but didn't get a reply.

Whatever. Now back to this huge mess.

In less than thirty minutes, Meera managed to get all of the ingredients together and set the timer on the small tiny three-plate stove.

Now curiosity got the better of her. Rinsing off the flour from her hand, Meera found Dino in the living room couch facing his laptop.

"Can't people trace us through laptops?"

Dino's head shot up at her presence and immediately closed the screen. Wow. Some secret laptop he seemed to own.

"They can but mine's got a non-tracking device installed in it so..." And they were pretty prepared too in that short amount of time they'd had to get them out of the province. Dino gestured for Meera to take a seat.

"Sure Dino, where should I sit? On your lap?" Since that was the only couch in the room. That wicked half-smile returned on his lips. "I was actually gonna move aside but that could work too princess."

Ignoring his flirtatious statements, she let herself into the room. "How's Ziesha and Caleb doing?" Being so occupied with Dino and cleaning up this place, Meera hardly had time to think and gather her thoughts. She was still soaking up the idea of being fake-kidnapped and that she was also in Johannesburg. Not forgetting that Ziesha was in Cape Town.

"Your sister's a handful according to Caleb but they both good." "And where exactly are they by the way? I know in Cape Town...like which part?" "Uhm, Randal's beach house," Dino toyed with his lip ring and honestly, Meera found that annoying habit of his kind of a turn on. It looked hot when he did that.

"Well it's not exactly Randal's. It legally belongs to Caleb's mother but she never used the place so Caleb decided to use that as shelter." But it was visible, Meera noted. "Is it safe? Won't people recognize them or see them staying there?" Dino shook his head. "It's much much safer than this crappy apartment and I don't think they'll be noticed. It's private property and a big ass one with that. Again, nothing like this dump."

She caught the disappointment in his voice. It was easy to see them he regretted and hated bringing her here. Meera bit her bottom lip and took a seat on the arm rest of the couch. Dino raised his brows after noticing another snoopy question arising from her. "Go on princess, ask...?"

She giggled. "Okay since you insisted...is this where you grew up?" She was curious to know the life he had lived previously. "Oh hell no! That area is way worse Meera. People die there everyday." She swore she heard a hint of fear in his tone. "I may be an asshole but I would never ever take you there."

Meera nodded, taking that in. Dino's life had been rough, she'd sensed that danger within him the first time she'd laid eyes on him-at her welcome home party.

"We-uh-in a different part of Johannesburg. Also a little dangerous but much safer. As long as you stay indoors at all times," he added quickly, as if she was incapable of following rules. Meera let out a laugh. "Have I ever not listened to you Dino?"

"Are you kidding? When have you ever listened to me?"

"Err-I'm a very obedient person." "Maybe in school princess." He looked different today, somehow brighter and happier. And he'd shaved, giving him that natural fresh glow. The apartment was stuffy and hot so he'd stayed in a vest and trackpants while Meera chose a camisole and leggings. Plus, Dino had somehow magically managed to get half of her wardrobe here over the weekend.

"So...what's the latest on the Zevon case. I know you know," she said before he could deny anything. Dino frowned. "Actually I don't know about the case. All the news channels are talking about our kidnapping. We made news headlines princess."

"Argh!" Meera hated attention. Thank god she didn't have to watch herself on live television. "Did my dad say anything?" "Nope, 'no comments,' that was all he said." "Oh." That came as a shock to her. He could've at least said something, like how important his daughters were to him or that he'll make sure that they'll find the person behind all of this. But he said nothing. Where his acting skills really that terrible?

"Yeah so we hoping whoever did this would contact your father...Ryan's being the spy. He's working with your father."

Confusion swept over Meera. "But I taught Ryan was coming here tonight?" Now Dino was confused. "I overheard you talking to Ryan on the phone last night," she explained, "You told him to be here by nine pm..." or wait. "...that was Ryan right?"

Dino chuckled, studying Meera. "And here I taught you were asleep. You just surprise me more everytime princess." "I was asleep but got up when you came in. It's a small place, easy to overhear things." This apartment was too small, as a matter of fact. Even Meera's hostel room in Paris was bigger than this. There was hardly any space left around for walking, with the furniture occupying the available areas.

"Look, I know this is not what you're used to Meera but I swear, time was limited and this was the best I could do. Anywhere-"

"Dean!" Meera cut in, "It's fine really. Besides, it's for a good cause and we'll all be home soon right."

"And she just keeps getting more surprising by the minute," he smiled, "And to answer your question, it wasn't Ryan on the phone. It was my other boy, Leo. He lives here, was part of us when I was around. He's helping us out." That was shocking news. "Can he be trusted?" "Definitely, he's family."

She remembered Dino telling her about his gang, he'd said some of them still lived in Johannesburg and that he was still in contact with them.

"Okay then...err-I just have one more thing to ask?" She bit her lip.

Dino shook his head, laughing but gestured for her to go on. "Is there somewhere around here that we can go for fresh air?" she blurted out. Dino looked at Meera questioningly. Okay fine, that might have been a really dumb question since she was 'wanted' and well, also because she was given super strict orders to stay indoors all the time.

The timer on the stove went off, making them both jump. "Okay!" Meera sang, "you don't have to answer that. I got it!"

She stood up to leave but Dino caught her arm before she could escape. "Dino, I have to go. The cake would burn...after all that effort you put into it."

Ignoring her petty protests, he effortlessly pulled her towards him. "Whhoaaaah!" Meera tripped on the rug and landed on-oh no! hard on Dino's chest. The laughter returned to his eyes, together with that devilish grin. "What are you doing?"

"Trust me princess, this was not what I had in mind but it's definitely ten times better." He secured his hands tightly around her body so that she had no way out.

"Dino!" Meera clenched her teeth, wrecking her brain for some suitable comeback and...she found it. She smiled sweetly at Dino, whose face was only inches away. "Poor Dino, did I forget to mention that your balls are very within my reach and just one teeny move from me would have you in hospital for weeks."

Dino's eyes widened and for a second, he looked like he was in pain. "And my muffins are gonna burn...Mooovvee!"

He surprisingly let go of her. "Princess, you should really watch what you say to me. I'm losing control."

Not again with this control nonsense. Making a face, she moved away from him and got back in the kitchen. Dino was just too persistent. And straightforward, she liked that he didn't milk things. He'd made it clear that he wanted her since day one but that was not what bothered Meera.

The undoubtful crazy thing was that she wanted Dino too. But not for the same reason as him-obviously! Dino was not the guy she would want to get involved with, to develop feelings for. It usually was easy for her to turn a guy down or walk away from a relationship. How many times had she done that before-with a normal good guy.

Dino was the extreme opposite of everything she'd ever wanted. Wasn't he? Meera was a grown woman, she should be aware of her taste in men by now. Dino was trouble, she had to remind herself again, stay away from him. It would only end in hurt and hatred.

And then as if on cue, Dino welcomed himself into the kitchen-eyes on Meera. "Smells nice."

"Uh-huh, wonder if it tastes as nice."

With that, Dino gave her a teasing look. "I'm sure you taste better." Meera shot him back with one of her own 'dream-on' looks. "Oh c'mon love, surely you not gonna make me starve forever."

"Watch me." "I am watching you Meera." In just a heartbeat, Dino managed to step in front of her, blocking her way. "Dino..." Despite her efforts to sound stern, her voice sounded weak and vulnerable. He was just too difficult to stay away from.

"I-I'm not gonna...we can't..." "I know." He tilted her chin up, forcing eye contact. Crap! He was gorgeous-more than gorgeous. Meera was the first to break eye contact, turning her head away. She heard Dino's soft laugh.

"Meera?" Stroking her cheek with the back of his fingertips, he bent forward to whisper in her ear as if he was not being intimate enough already. "I won't touch you without your permission princess." His cheek was against hers and did she mention how damn good he smelt. Meera's breathing levels increased, or maybe she just forgot to breathe. It was hard to tell with Dino around.

"There is a place we can go for some...fresh air. It's on the rooftop." He paused. "If you want."

Finally gaining enough willpower, she pushed him back. He still stared at her with those kiss-me eyes. "Taught you said I'm not allowed to leave the apartment."

Dino smiled that smile she loved and locked eyes with her again. "I guess I can't say no to you Meera...looks like I might have found my weakness after all."

Yeah well, that made two of them.

#cute #new #love