

The Bodyguard
I was Jenna's bodyguard. She was on set filming her new movie, Miller's Girl. It was obvious that we liked each other,but we didn't make a move on each other.

During the lunch break after filming her next scene, everyone left the set to go eat. Her agent,Mr Wilson ordered McDonalds for her. She went to her trailer to eat. I waited outside for her to finish eating and get her hair and makeup done. When she finished,she came out and handed me a bag. "I can't finish all of this. Do you want it? I know you haven't eaten all day." she asked. "Ms Ortega,I can't-" "You can and you will. C'mon,you have to eat something.And call me Jenna." she said. "Fine. Thank you Ms Ortega- uh, Jenna." I said and smiled. "Wanna come in?" She asked. "Ms Ortega,I can't do that-" "Please. There's still half an hour left before I have to go back to set. And it's boring all alone in her." she pleaded with puppy dog eyes. "Alright,fine just stop with the puppy eyes." I said and we laughed as she let me in.

We had a nice conversation,we laughed and joked around with each other until it went silent. We sat there awkwardly,not saying anything until someone knocked on the door to say that everyone should head back to set. "Thanks for the company, Matthew. I had a great time talking to you." Jenna said and smiled as she stood up to leave. "Yeah,me too. And thanks for the food." I replied. I stood up and my phone fell off my lap. We both bent down to pick it up and I accidentally grabbed her hand. We looked at each other,me still holding her hand. I looked into her eyes and we both leaned in for a kiss when the assistant director came in and called Jenna to set. We both pulled away quickly and stood up. "On my way." Jenna said and quickly walked past me. I followed and left with her, heading to set. We walked together but didn't say anything.

The assistant director must have told Mr Wilson, because while Jenna was filming,he came over to me an spoke to me about what happened. "You are to stay away from Ms Ortega,you hear me? She's not ready for a relationship right now,and even if she was,it's not going to be with a stupid bodyguard like you. So you keep your distance from her,got it?" he said softly and chuckled. "Yes,Sir." I replied,my heart heavy. I gave Jenna the cold shoulder ever since that conversation. I ignored her as best as I can,but I could see Jenna was upset about it. I wanted to speak to her,but I was afraid I'd lose my job. On the last day of filming,I decided to tell Jenna how I really feel,even if Mr Wilson would find out. It was really important that I tell her, because I was planning to quit. It would be the last day I would see her.

All the crew members and cast members got ready to film the final scene. They started filming when halfway through filming I decided to do something stupid. I went to the power box and turned off the lights. Everyone shouted in confusion. I walked through dark to where Jenna was and kissed her. When the lights came back on,I was still kissing her. "That's it,your fired!" he shouted at me. "I warned you to stay away from Ms Ortega,and you didn't listen. Get out,now!" "Wait,that's why you've been giving me the cold shoulder? Because you were forced to? " Jenna asked after she broke the kiss. I nodded and softly apologized. "He made me. I've been in love with you all this time,but he made me keep it a secret from you." she looked at me and then at Wilson. "You knew how we felt about each other and you made us hide it,for your job's sake?" she said getting angry. "When you put it like that,it seems-" Wilson said, slowly walking backwards as Jenna walked over to him. "Save it. You won't have to worry about protecting your job anymore,'cause you're fired." she said,just about to slap him,but I ran over and held her back. "C'mon,let's calm down." I said to her, walking with her somewhere away from Wilson. "Alright everyone, we're taking a break,be back here in half an hour. " I shouted. "Hey,I'm the director,not you. You can't make the decisions-" "We're taking a break,end of discussion." I said sternly, locking eyes with the director. "Yeah,we can take a break." he said with a bit of fear in his voice. Jenna and I walked to her trailer where we ate to calm down before we made out. In the end,I decided not to quit,so I could be with Jenna. News of our relationship got out, and I became really famous for dating her.