

I'm Someone To Consider Especially

Have you ever encountered a person showing no consideration for others? Write a story on same.

Love Is like a ride in a vehicle it's either bumpy are smooth filled with influential instrumentals and lyrics! Sometimes they have no reason to love you are explaination why they do, they just know they do
love is like a messenger some catch some misses the message
love is like the very reason for why we each breath yet many can't wait to see you breathless not standing the sight of you
love not suppose to hurt yet hurt people hurt people and claim to love the hardest own get this whole love thing because if I am love what exactly is it I'm looking for?! I just ask for fair play are not play at all cause what you become is a treasure trying to cherish trash while the one never consider you in anything are your feelings I call it wasted mistakes I still made life love lessons and testing my own faith A Y.O.L.O and I'm definitely someone special to consider with out reminding anyone!