

We Cannot Solve a Problem With Another.
Albert Einstein once said "Stupidity is doing the same things over and over but expecting a different result."
We grumble about the lack of development in our country yet we destroy the little developments we have got. As citizens, going against the constitution of our land, is destroying the progress of the law. Burning down the hospital, police stations, and public buildings, is destroying infrastructural developments. burning down the government transport buses, is destroying the development of access to transportation for us citizens. Killing and burning fellow citizens, is destroying the development in human capital.
Whenever we fight and make the country unstable, we halt potential developments. When our nation is not safe, investors feel unsecured to embark on Foreign Direct Investment(FDI). Also, the government budgets set for further developments will be diverted to rebuilding the destroyed public buildings, to buying the destroyed government buses, to strengthening the judiciary, etc.
We cannot use a problem to solve another. We cannot destroy development to enhance development. We shouldn't allow tribalism, politics or anything to put a knife between the things that hold us together. Darkness cannot overcome darkness only light can. Love virtually overcomes everything.

#Patriotic Advocacy Network(PAN~SL)
© Francis Bassie